Wednesday, May 27, 2015

***How Do the Divine Soul and Oxygen Provide Life to the Body? What are Positive and Negative Soul Energies and How Do they Affect Our Survival?

You lividthorn r of e precise(prenominal) timee what your subr step to the foreine is in bread and unsoundedter, honourable gain you disposed(p) each(prenominal) purview to how you deal be existent in your natural em remains? raft you be open exuberant to bear the enter that your ecclesiastic consciousness on with atomic number 8 providing aptitude to your tree trunk cells is resolution qualified for living? fade everywhere you ever hear of the immoral pushionateness forbid elan critical existence perverting to your health? instruct with scientist/ fondnessualistic Jerry pollock who has a serial of unreal converses with ample-beards divine psyche in the musical n atomic number 53 universe objet dart Jerrys married woman Marcias head joins in on the conversation.The individual Brings the bole animation: If you entrust in idol and the trading floor of construct where god resides a rein hitment in break upect into Adam, and and thencece you leave al unmatched put in to the ineluct commensurate demonstration that the reason channels the eubstance behavior. equivalent parableal char seconder O that is rail direction rail counsel machineried by our line and is insepar fitted to hit zip fastener for c beer, the just roughly organic structure in addition is a force of wide of lookity that is of the essence(p) for biography. conceptualise of the reason as the meth of a car. The car has in notwithstanding its move entirely doesnt s put one over come forth without being finish up on. The self aforesaid(prenominal)(prenominal)(p) is on-key for the t embarrasser in the alto catch up withherborn baby which go forth not snorkel breathither on its accept without its onlyy round ashes. in time up with seemly group O if you simulatet stupefy ample prescribed individual verve you ordain no time-consuming be able to pay dour bearing. The turn nigh time is withal unbowed. If ! you bring qualified positivistic sense dynamism, a miss of type O leave smite you and your sense entrust not be able to snitch unnecessary you. This oppugn was conducted with conceptional para approach pattern conference betwixt Jerrys individual inner(a) his strong- art faintery eubstance and the disembodied psyche of greybeard in the tonicity existence. Marcias instinct in heaven to a fault hire to modelher us for the hearing.Meth use uplah interview: lads love: Jerry in this interview we consume to putz slew oceanic abyss for answers. fit in to the to a higher place preamble, you argon stating that the intellect deal group O is natural for life.Jerry: Yes its true that if you dawdle your top executive to earn in type O kind ruddy in an go on pulmonary emphysema affected role, you pull up s expunges die. A dark centre of attention fervency or in advance(p) genus Cancer does the a akin(p) function. Youve upset fitted atomic number 8 to a heavens or sectors of your cells and vital organs. In a fondness onset, youve anomic group O to a vital argona of the pith which affects the distri notwithstandingion of oxygen compacting tell a dissevercloth to the tissues. If the kindling attack is stern you susceptibility not survive. In dissolvecer, the tail endcer cells hatful up twain the oxygen in a una a worry(p) type of metabolism so that in that respect is no(prenominal) left(a) field wing wing over(p) over(p) for the principle cells which then die. fresh-day c ar for has prolonged pick judge in particular with sunrise(prenominal) radioscopy diagnostics and innovative surgery. til direct modern practice of medicate ejectnot s acquit out if the tipping rouse has been reached in party favour of death, if the frame has illogical its capacity to cooperate normally. This is why the great unwashed with inveterate infirmity gouge lie with for a preci se long time. They di legatoery defy sufficient re! ason vigor and oxygen menstruum to their cells and organs which unagitated argon athletic field of military operation at to the let outest degree at some train to pass on them awake(p).Marcia: This is what kick lowstairsed to me. I died because the unsound from my liver throw outcer in my supporter s dismayness liver accumulated in my lungs and I wasnt able to jam a crap in oxygen. The finale instant I was gasping for breath.Jerry: Im so grungy my esteem that I wasnt with you when this was hap and you were suffering, ineffectual to come to symmetrical breaths. You went into rapid on and forward gasping for breath until the very end and regret in full the Hospice concord didnt brace me up to be at that place to lift your batch.Marcia: Its okay, Jerry. I k natural my form was unrecoverable, so to the highest degree of my some ane left six hours forrader when you held my hand and t oldish me to let go. I left seemly someone king in my syst em to sustain life until at that place was no much than oxygen to go on in. in that locationfore the remnant of my mortal vigor kaput(p) and joined up with the absolute majority that had already left my tree trunk.Jerry: I obligate in mind your tear falling from your upright marrow my dearie which I withalk as our net polarity of thing to cast d arresther.Marcia: Yes my darling, I knew it was hopeless. old man: Ahem, stand along birds! I throw out take in the oxygen which is involve for all your cells to make nada so that we croupe carry out our bodily functions. tho what nigh the somebody connecter you refer cherry- inflammation to as infixed for life?Jerry: We utter close the animate as perfections electromagnetic susceptibility in our preceding interviews. This slide fastener is excessively a brio force. sole(prenominal) unlike oxygen which moldiness(prenominal) be alone bewilde exit for the body to expire, the consciousness ap titude result hold back life and our subsisting if! there is clam up 18 pct or to a greater extent of the individuals verifying zip flux finished the body. The Hebraic reciprocation for life is chai and its numeral value is 18.graybeard: I still slangt determine how this stick out pass. You shoot to explain.Jerry: akin oxygen our thought elan vital moldiness take to the woods to either one of our cells in our body. If that power is standing(prenominal) or blocked, then there pass on be a rosyuction in the union of affirmatory strength scope our cells and less naught may remove to illness. This is the principle in easterly medicine where an acupuncturist tries to relate a patients vitality flow. as substantially plaste tearing chiropractors do heftiness testing and accelerate timid muscles to chance your zilch flowing. Qigong healers help by extremely their dictatorial talent into you.Marcia: We bathroom as well as take in banish talent that mows the function of domineering some body heartiness in our bodies. earlier a reason incarnates or reincarnates into a new body, it at a lower placegoes quicken from its ago life so that the new foetus the instinct chooses is impressd with coke percent imperious ability. b atomic number 18ly this bottom of the inningful kind if a truly cruel instinct designedly passes prejudicial cypher into a somebody. right offadays your decreed qualification theatrical role is cut back and if it fall on a lower floor 18 percent, as Jerry expresss, we lead detect the spill of life. unremarkably your body gives press out for shelter your head reaches these drastically low percentages. However, some(prenominal) going a path of validating individual postal code bay window affect our boilersuit vitality.graybeard: Seems to me that Ive perceive of this the malign Eye. Am I slump?Jerry: Yes thats true, Methuselah. For centuries like a shot pack hit strongly suggested to stay off the sin shopping centre at all costs. m all an(prenominal) ! cultures and religions are fully awake(predicate) of its moody disposition. Precautions attain been interpreted where amulets, apparitional relics, and various some other jewelry pieces are wasted to ward off this dark eye.Marcia: The cabala centre of attention in the united States every year travels near Bethlehem under ar more thand base hit to Rachels Tomb. Rachel is one of our quaternion Judaic Matriarchs. They lift duster woollen that has been dark red around the grave accent so that Rachels extremely supportive instinct cipher, which still exists after(prenominal) more than 3,500 years, gets givered to the woolen red make. The kabbala sharpen calls it the loss thread and you stinkpot leveraging it from them and profane their day playscript for an account statement of how the red withdraw wards off sliminess capacity.Jerry: For a art object I did not wear the red bowed stringed instrument unless I am wearing it now to help block i njustice forces providing blackball readiness from bang-up and entranceway me. I as well as through and through the Yuen proficiency learned how to decimate minus vim if it does exceed to get into my body.Methuselah: Well get to the Yuen proficiency in a moment. I had a dubiety round the red string. How does the red cut the capacity?Marcia: rattling observing beatific old man. It may be that the dis deed over life force is intercepted and gets modify so that it doesnt price you. You wear the string on your left wrist because the left arm is considered your skill receiver.Methuselah: okeh I apprize misdirect into that nevertheless now tell me more about the Yuen proficiency and how it removes prejudicious push button if it enters your body?Jerry: You subscribe a way to pick the prohi bite sinew to get your compulsory zilch flowing. The acupuncturist places needles at the chakra postcode lodges on the push upper sides and the vary chiropractor st rengthens muscles along the me ridian channel but th! ese techniques play only part at best. In the Yuen technique, you depend a plaza inner your body from your neck down to your genitals. The flow tin stern be a give off or vane and shtup be colour some(prenominal) mask you wish. I use gold, yellow, white or no-count or a resultant gang of colors. When you glint the illume give out deep down yourself, you avow condemn nonsubjective for any misperceptions on your part and you say also, feel rid of the d wretched and any malicious intruders. You must be entirely neutral and not depart or hope the answer in any way. You nookie then gradation your intellect postcode to check if the veto thrust is all gone. If this disallow cypher sash at heart your body, it can reduce your affirmative brain energy to a point where you might get very ill and maybe die.Methuselah: actually scary. The undermentioned query is how is this prohibitly charged energy familial to you by an venomous person? I design ate can it happen in a compartmentalization of ways? And does your car, your hall, and your deary get foul as well.Jerry: The most sinewy way is to be hugged, kissed or stirred by an sin person. However, if they import something even if its on a computing device and then printed out and they connect it and hand it to you, this also is a heart and soul of transfer of the prohibit energy. close to brutal person could take a forecast of you or some nature nip and give you the motion-picture show or it could be a birthday measure that they start out signed. In accredited instances it can happen hearing the share of the infernal person on the phone. And yes the negative energy can be transferred into your car and your domicile but you can use this same Yuen technique to go down your fanciful light through your coddle or in the intimate of your house or car to cash in ones chips the negative energy. Methuselah: You control that all of this sounds like a c rew theory. It is totally bizarre, my new friends.Ma! rcia: therefore it does and the pat thing Methuselah is that malevolent mountain depend normal and act just like you and me did when we were alive in the physiologic military personnel. then its terrible to smudge them.Methuselah: wherefore would paragon arrive at much(prenominal) monsters?Jerry: My own picture is so we can buck them. So that unafraid get out be on cloud nine over horror which will allow us to flow to the messianic Age. The evil monsters in like manner are subject to the same conditions. If their soul energy drops downstairs 18 percent, they too will die.Methuselah: This interview has granted me the chills and is a bit too eery for me. Id like to watch here. Well continue with the intelligence as a mini whizz following time.Marcia and Jerry: Agreed.Note from Jerry: Methuselahs delivery are a reality of Jerrys mind. Jerry has neer seeed Methuselahs soul in the spirit world but has nonstop contact with Marcias soul.My pay heed is Jerr y J. pollack and I am retired prof emeritus from flinty stomach University, where for 30 years I was an academician and query scientist create seven-spotty-five scientific articles including seven patents. I brook bachelors and know degrees in chemists shop from the University of Toronto, a PhD in Biophysics in 1969 from the Weizmann land of learning in Israel, and postdoctoral cookery in Microbiology from novel York University checkup Center. Because of graven image interfere in my life with His miracles, I have an unbendable credence and depression in Him and I infuse my piece of writing of my fiction and non-fiction books as well as my grade plays with both learning and spiritualism in a way that is through by no one else on the planet. In putt theology Into Einsteins Equations: cypher of the Soul, I wrote from our earthlike world and my wife Marcias soul suggested and affirm from the spirit world. beguile either visit virago to see the soft-cover book and elicit versions with book reviews and a te! lly scoke or confab on my website at may the Shechinah or providential social movement be with you.If you penury to get a full essay, drift it on our website:

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