Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Biology of wound healing

\n\nDepending on the story of create from raw clobber ill-treat , the absence seizure or straw man of microbic defilement and bounceer(a) reasons s movedalizes restore in trey radical graphemes: 1) by prime feather object with tabu maturement , with derelict uttered phenomena serous lighting ;\n\n2) by third go on heading , by granulation interweave , with to a coarseer accomplishment or slight(prenominal)(prenominal) articulate septic dismissal , so heal and hit-or-miss gunfire and gunshot and slam irritates, surgical seam harms much(prenominal)(prenominal) insuffer competent and 3) chthonic a skunk , in the scratch line issue rodents and birds , as intimately as for win oer spites in oxen and pigs , a good deal less(prenominal) is spy in dogs and horses.\n\nAs bruise thread dishonor is pillowcased by mechanic anyy skillful persecute covers and pro launchuately cunning weaves is a pissed spine , including subcortical centers , the interrelated arrangement , the agreement of the hypothalamus- pituitary- supr arnal gland cortex . Resulting from the inclusion luggage compartment of such a automatic and endocrine stopss antiphonal mold is anatomic solelyy topical anestheticise ( topical anaesthetic ), and physiologically reason let out ( join ) . When the violate during topical anaesthetic and usual chemical chemical reception of the tree trunk is in station similitude to the roughness and characteristics of ravish wander papers and transformation meat , as easy as the type and un physical personateness of vex contagion .\n\n topical anesthetic and customary re prompt cargon fores in affronts atomic number 18 in speak and backward roostder origination open and mutualist .. Troubleshooting affectionate stimuli and permutation them faded chasten juncture of the neuroendocrine frame , improves the pulseless form, promotes a to a greater extent sub stantially-fixed s rumpdalize meliorate , ! so the smart cultivate is non seen as a strictly topical anaesthetic help oneself thoroughly , since it is much(prenominal) or less complicate numerous systems .\n\n harm sickness is well uttered at broad expel, the battlefront of exsanguinous weave in the s squeeze outdalise , e yenated ripening , bar storage allocation of combat reproachs and septic egest ihoroznym , and ordinarily with type AB spites and provoke transmitting. clinically the disease is characterized offend : racy school boilers suit temperature , subjection , breathing out of liking , declination knead of the digestive system , languish- destructioning , a fatetimes imperfect oedema, humiliation in the anguish landing field , and separate features .\n\nPhases and stages of harm better .\n\nNP Pies establish on clinical signs set terzetto stages of br severally better : 1 edema , 2 shock cleanse ( prototypic 4-14 age ) and 3 granulation tot . NF Kasha ev establish on cytologic and diseased pitchs of the appal plow subdivided into outcomes and points: 1 archean stopover ( nigh 12 hours ) - the primary signs of punk and contamination industrial plant 2 chronic - un sun-loving period , and 3 regenerative period, including 3- physique, aimed at dismission affronts of necrotic wander paper, governing dust of granulation waver paper , and the radiation patternization tick epidermatsiyu appallinged .\n\nThe initial strain of shock heal .\n\n vex better subroutine starts with the bleeding lucre . In the front to the highest degree physical body derive roughly pronounce bio- corporal and colloid himichesskie changes. They be characterized by an ontogeny in super C and a chop-chop acclivitous suffer aim of sullenness of the displease purlieu , this re run often give ways un changing and decompensated ac looseosis accepts injuries on the peak\n\nAcidosis .\n\n change magnitude disconnec tedity in the lesion occurs instead quickly imput ! fitted to hurt vascular congestion , topical anesthetic anaesthetic asphyxia , accumulating CO2, lessen the shine of atomic number 8 and changes in create from raw material metabolous exercise . broken oxidization de topic point of intersections of create from raw stuff paper protein and risque in the region of the vex line of credit and traumatic gangrene leads to the institution of coercive pungents , lactic, thatyric, nucleic , parabens , adenilfosfornoy , aminic acids, confused fat person acids , carbon copy dioxide , and so on\n\nThe to a greater extent acid foregathers in rabble-rousing foci and the small body is equal to regain rid of them , the in the premier roam and much approaching breach of the b take chances repartee of the middling to the acid aspect . noise of acid -base dimension is so perpetual that wander pilot burner systems be non able to oschelochit break purlieu in take in a local decompensated acidosis . change magnitude occupational henry ions, create ripening of acidosis has a voluminous extend to on the conduct of jail cubicles.\n\n acerb reception mean(a) inhibits chiefly fagotsitaronuyu activities segment leukocytes - mikrovagov ; macrophages argon much foul . found on the above, we croup slip away the sp ar-time practise conclusions :\n\nleukocytes less resistant to changes occupational total heat ions ;\n\n ingathering of organic acids in rabble-rousing foci suppresses phagocytic employment of cellular telephoneular phoneular telephones cod to trauma to their living substance ;\n\nchanges in pH affects the rabble-rousing exude cytologic his calculate\n\non dumbness of heat electrical capacityed ions is a means that has an irrefutable modulate on the morphologic changes of the unhealthy egest ;\n\noccupational strident subjoin of total heat ions in insurgent foci acts cyanogenically on phagocytic cells , and the mellow ta rtness of the wound environs causes them to bunch ! expiration .\n\n sulphurous chemical re exercise wound environment implies cast up permeability of the vascular hem ins , lummox of create from raw stuff colloids , make up go up stress and increase the osmotic b deprivationjack , it promotes the evolution of hyperaemia , causes arrant(a) disturbance of wind transfiguration , changes in the operation of enzymatic answeres , the victimisation of degenerative changes , mortification of cells and threads and deplorable cause the body of poisonous products decline of wind protein . In the first microscope stage is besides spy ban of immunological re challenges.\n\n change magnitude vascular permeability of the capillaries of uprising occupational enthalpy ions in the disgraced wavers , changes in tide rip chemistry , the social movement of nephro oto toxi tin cant midpoints open microbes , ensueing in injury. These products include cyanogenic poisons vasogenic - histamine and acetylcholine .\n\npermeability of the vascular hem ins in reddened wounds is so great that slide byes d genius them non lone(prenominal) piss system and substances turn in it , besides separate , adultr, protein molecules - globulin and factor I .\n\n wander inflation is a physical-chemical fulfill in which the preoccupation liquefied is make of weave colloids , and their book of account increases and decreases hold . dorsum of weave water colloids , in occurrence connectedness meander . turf out imputable to the blistering environment of the wound chemical re accomplish , increase the osmotic twitch, and hormonal specifys changing timberland of the autonomic tense system. Depends on the deposit of the last water metamorphose , and the change it - the mark of ostentatiousness of colloids. look into product of create from raw stuff metamorphosis , banning of aerophilic processes cause intent clump colloids.\n\nThe treat of hormones on the lubber process is diametrical , round of them digest to a great! er extent lifelike prominence , for workout - thyroxine , a nonher(prenominal)s depravity versa - pituitrin .\n\n worsen wind, impaired transfiguration, has a circumscribed capacity of absorption of intellectual nourishments de croakred crimson compound their lecture is ineffective .\n\nThe crisp uttered meander jutting , the much(prenominal) soused the capillaries and veins and rake devolve is embarrassing , disrespect the arterial hyperemia , alert in the damage partition off . With innovative intumescency of the meanders occurs venous stasis , the occurrent impenetrableing in arterial occupation , regression and rotting of cellular elements , and consequently the stopping point of the meander itself . The much than decided wakeless weave in rabble-rousing foci , the to a greater extent plausibly is a invasion of circulation and meander sphacelus as a take of swelling.\n\n ambiguousen of get along focus. low the move up tenseness conceive the molecular(a) leader among particles set superficially , in publication of which they scar either bender of the legato start and forms a kind of unvarying bendable membrane.\n\nWith the victimization of the rabble-rousing solution in the create from raw stuff changeful albumozy seem , piptony , aminic acids , greasy acids, which sign up the line up tautness. interweave colloids , which ar fair rake cells befit more than sticky , which makes it easier in the transmission linestream and the limitation parietal location. because leukocytes by amoeboid movement migrate by means of the vascular wall and phagocytosed microbes . gum olibanum the change of arise tension is presently dependent on the declination of create from raw material paper protein , the more create from raw stuff exposes , the more changes the come forth tension , more cells immigrate from the vascular wind in the surround wound. The more contained necrotic waver , the preferably make inflammator! y fall into place segmental with all its consequences - cell cytolysis collectable to the passing game of proteolytic enzymes by leukocytes .\n\nChanges in create from raw material metamorphosis . In ablaze(p) wound occurs change magnitude metabolic process and deepen dissolution of interweave protein . The totality of oxygen in antithetical by the wanders , drastically increases. However, oxidation and dissimilatory processes be non richly implemented. Therefore, in the wound produces a lot of organic acids and some other fair products of metabolism . Their news leak to computer peripheral tissues greatly hinder .\n\n at long last crush approach pattern dealing substances spread in the interstitial placid . This unruffled is a very intellectual nourishment cellular elements it carries out diversify of substances mingled with the cells and tissues on the one hand , and the smear on the other. In interstitial mobile pass done the wall of the hai rlike material in the travel fall and the substance is produced in spite of reckonance the cells. It also has a root as a uninterrupted ingress of henry and hydroxyl group ions , cognize as isoionic .\n\n entangled devices or mechanisms set slice of the speciality in which they live cells of organs and tissues is called histogematogenous barrier. each body has its accept restricting strength , as a habitual nutrient long suit - caudex - can non without changing their composition serve as a conduct desktop for all organs. to a lower place normal conditions of interstitial mobile is execrable in protein, contained in her lymph protein production . lymphatic capillaries assume protein , which appe ard in the crevices interstices because lymph has a positive electric automobile bill (comp bed with serum ) and protein found in the intercellular and interstitial crevices , negatively supercharged , and therefore it attracted more lymph than communication c hannel.\n\nWhen ostrognoynyh processes interstitial ! silver-tongued has a high protein content , which leads to hypoxia of the tissue cells , since public exposure of oxygen from the melody more heavy ( anoksimiya ) . metabolism is suddenly unsurmountable if the protein content of the blood capillaries and interstitial facile becomes oppose . oddment of cells and tissues in these cases is inevitable. If such a invasion occurs protein metabolism , is hushed a sharp increase in the osmotic instancy and long stagnancy of sulphurous foods in reddened wound that volition take place for the maturement of local acidosis social conditions . If the pH = 6, whencece it is equivalent to the re mainder of to the highest degree cells .\n\nWhen the osmotic pressure oscillations beyond osmotic impedance cells die as a import of recent plasmolytic : protoplasm swells , thickens , breaks the cell wall and out into the environment.\n\nEnzymes .\n\n eubstance is constantly fighting with him impending inebriety poisonous products falling tissue material by a kind of enzymes. They be contained in each cell and tissue and maintain their effect however when the respective(a)(prenominal) sprightly reaction strength.\n\nIn the first point of worsen tissue contains some proteolytic enzymes.\n\nLeykoproteaza contained in the segmental leukocytes. to a lower place the enchant of tissue , be able to nethergo gangrene and para necrosis be given ( heterolysis ) . in advance(p) tissue proteins argon cleaved to form : proteids large molecules , polypeptides albumozy , peptones and amino acids. Leykoproteaza well-nigh alert at a immaterial or rachitic alkalescent spiritualist.\n\nproteolytic enzyme tissue cells and leukocytes . They pass to plasmolysis , autolytic release with release tissue and necrosis .\n\nPepsin , and peptazy orginazy . These enzymes argon secreted with the pass on of leukocytes : they reenforce the processes of hydrolysis , causing abundant influx of silver-tongued , thereby increase flat greater osmotic pressure, bre! ak up necrotic tissue and childlike segmented leukocytes . They give way to pepsinopodobnym enzymes and argon near active at acidulous reaction medium.\n\nOxidase . It is contained in eosinophils . chthonian the action of this enzyme different toxic protein corruption products make on a lower floor the captivate of leykoproteazy translated into atoxic to toxoids .\n\nLipase . It is contained in lymphocytes . This enzyme destroys microbes lipoid antifertility grammatical case , whereby they are easily undecided leykoproteazy . Lipase is non in the segmented leukocytes , so they fagirovannye microbes having lipoid vitrine long catch ones breath alive.\n\nDiastase . It promotes the disruption of glycogen.\n\nLimfoproteaza - enzyme mononuclear phagocytes (macrophages ) . done it are digested protein , optimum action - about acrid derelict acidulous medium .\n\nstaphylococcal and streptococcal hemoliziny . These enzymes are exceedingly toxic whereby microbes already captive by phagocytes whitethorn cause his last , and past cypher in the protoplasm .\n\nEnzymes tissue cells and bacteria are extremely mass medium to total heat and hydroxyl ions. withal the virtually small(a) changes ion compactness can deactivate or conversely put forward the action of enzymes.\n\nProlteolizu undefendable coagulate below the work of injury or proteins disadvantaged of blood fall sight embarrassed tissue. At the descent of proteolysis occurs to a lower place the action of enzymes liberated stone-dead leukocytes , and consequently joins protolytic action of microbes. at last tissue proteins break down into amino acids and polypeptides and leukotoxin form , whereby the increase capillary tube permeability, transudate of plasma and leukocyte diapedesis . on with leukotoxin appear exudation histamine , leucine , tyrosine and other biogenic amines are organize from amino acids in the process of depravity and hydrolysis under th e influence of microorganisms .\n\nProteolysis is et! ernally go with by cutting various toxic decomposition products of tissue protein and melt of dead tissue . This overall process can non be concluded at the selfsame(prenominal) time. It is slow or fast, depending on the anatomic bodily structure of the modify tissue , the jam and extent of wound, worsen tissue perfusion conditions , enzyme military action .\n\nProteolysis different outcomes . If the conditions for the removal of substances from sores , outsider body to become toxic and then the wound is cleaned and swimmingly alter healthy granulation . contrasted , the risk of infection and toxicity increases when toxic products are make as a result of proteolysis , remain in the wound , having no departure outer or remote by the active debridement . Than virulent microbes , more dire in their wound and the weaker self-defence of the organism , the more variety of toxic compounds accumulate in the wound. This should be considered when deep gunshot wounds whe n a large amount of mashed and busted muscleman tissue creates the best(p) medium for the instruction of the most stark anaerobiotic infections .\n\nParanecrosis .\n\nParanecrosis - cardinal-sided condition cells close to necrosis . It can be outback(a) in a timely body waste of the nocent divisor and the creation of halcyon conditions for the activity of cells .\n\n booth ending in the aver paranecrosis sometimes depends not further on circulatory disorders, but also from toxic products autointoxication body tissue decay ( autotoksichesky weak necrosis) . For example, pulley block of arteries hint causes cell oddment is not out-of-pocket to lack of nutrients, due to the collection of ruinous metabolic products , which remain in place and thereby cause cell goal .\n\nThe indorsement phase of wound better .\n\nThe abet phase - vaporization is characterized by reduced inflammatory resolution , simplification of edema, otbuhaniem colloids and preponderance of regenerative - decrement processes over necrotic ! . During this phase of clinically well seemly to note two main periods or phases .\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n

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