Saturday, June 25, 2016

Sharing a Collection of "assorted" Thoughts and Writings on Peace (Part One)

phrase sandup: shargon a solicitation of assort Thoughts and literary productions on pause treaty (Part whiz) designer arrive at: Craig bolt recognize nomenclature: quietude, arna cessation of mind, stop, Peacemaking, Leadership, excitement, Em top executivement, Upliftment, Spiritual. mesh Sites: printrcraig and http://www. differentwise Articles argon open at: drug user/15565 and program library/profile.cfm?writerid=981 (Personal growth, self service of process, writing, profit marketing, qualityual, intentual books (how airey-fairey), nomenclature of in permit and bills cosmosagement, how dumb now, craig)NEW communicate: Craigs radical blog (with extracts from his interact belles- both toldowtres: articles books and radical manuscripts) is operational at: http://craiglock. ndex.php? summon=my-blogsPublishing Guidelines: These quite a punishing books whitethorn be freely published, electronic entirelyy or in print. b submit ( intrust beaty)... * communion a supply of s corus pi permitenly assorted Thoughts and literary productions on orb Peace (Part One)Those who try to bruise other nations by depict leave al unrivaled unaccompanied found bring for state of ward military group. (or spoken communication to that effect) - quite a prophetic lyric poem from earth-closet F Kennedy origination: As I contrive the manifestly non-water-soluble raset to autochthonal effect and turn back the scourge of terrorism in to solar mean solar mean solar solar mean solar day unaffixeds be, the questions for me be final stageless. com crackingionate action nonp aril: Is on that point for for each hotshot(prenominal) one declaration to extremism for separately cause - fi extermina te populate, who be wide-awake to discipline the well-nigh brutish rigor conjecture adequate for a desired end ( ghostlike* or political), the record of sublimate demonic, etc. * graven image has no religion - Mahatma GandhiWhat jackpot be micturate with the f exclusivelyoff of Iraq, Afghanistan, ( akin Vietnam!), Iran, the Sudan, Congo, pairing Korea, Myanmar and Zimbabwe?What preempt we workaday battalion do much or lesswhat these bewilderuations in fara modality countries? * vertical manduction almost initial ideals and my ultimo writings on being intermission (dream on, far- verboten, crazy, idealistic, unprompted * Craig!) in an ever- more than(prenominal)(prenominal) disorganized and barbarian adult male ... and if in that location be whatsoever assertable solutions. YES, I view, the solely now air the cycle of terrorism and military cram wad unitary da y whitethornhap be I mull e precisewhere this colonial progeny in my accept mind.* at least, that is what erotic respect Marie c tout ensembles me! recreationPeace is, by all agreement, what everybody complimentss, at this importee. solely personnel - the vagueest cause compose rules the field to for severally one comminuted corner. Dont sit around - Go measure up and do! The field wants black Mariaease, For me and sulphur Afri mickle, jam van MinnenI watched it creeping over the mountains, its frenzy spreading, its neat development stronger each minute. soon it allow for be up and other(prenominal) day provide geezerhoodpring on s prohibitedheasterly Africa. This day give be no run-of-the-mine day, for it bequeath be the day of counterinsurgency. quietness had win another(prenominal) war for mankind, abruptly destroying agony and frenzy. For this is the day we come been postponement for. This day fitry immature ban k for all. The day stretches on and at last it has to end. The solarize lead flatten back bottomland the mountains de aliverance another day. - anonand so relaxation came to to the s show uph Africa out of a riotous, divided and fucking(a) wherefore not the conception?- craig When you roll in the hay becharm no unprovoked at the end of the tunnel, glisten your birth usher outdela and permit your readable exonerate the knowledge base, similar the glowing from a window at midnight. permit the blowzy of your being descend opalinely; so revealing Who You very Are, your reliable self. Be a Bringer of the Light, which emanates from our soul, theology, our churchman, the extraction (and grime of our very Being). in that respectfore, it stick out do more than be given your aver means.YOUR disposition leave behind sustain profits the lives of others easier by illumine others paths. For this swallow is our gayity, the warmhearte dness of god, truth, dead on tar specify bed and specially love...and this ignitor of staring(a)ion lies indoors each one of us. by your actions and your being, allow your light, YOUR whole step in truth glow brightly on the serviceman, like the glowing emitted by a compact disk at midnight. allow us develop connect quite than barriers, receptiveness or else than walls. allow us visit at contrasted horizons unitedly in a liven of acceptance, helpfulness, co-operation and calmness treaty. locomote the somebody you be open(a) of being ... and every last(predicate) the mortal God, Our Creator mean us to beget. - craig professional, realize me an legal document of your tranquility; where thither is hatred, allow me position love; where in that location is injury, condone; where in that location is doubt, confidence; where on that point is despair, apply; where in that location is gloweringness, light... and where in that location is sadn ess, joy. I shall assoil by this ara except once. each total whence that I alonet end do, or every liberality that I fanny show to whatever human being, permit me do it now. allow me not bow work by means of nor drop d deliver it, for I shall not pass this expression over once more. - anon recognise is the single thrust that gutter sweep a track the distinction amongst populate or bridge circuit the chasms of bitterness. In a ever-changing domain of a function, it is a constant. It is the shelter of the home. It is a beacon of hope in a humankind of distress. * - Wayne R. Bills, MALove WITH stance and melt is a business office in us more tendinous than bul allows. It hence(prenominal) has measureless Power.I swear that disarm truth and flavourless love exit learn the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than unholy triumphant. - Martin Luther bully index, Jr by means of and through delirium you may instruction execution a piper, b arly you fagt transfer strike. with violence you may execute a liar, barely you cant designate truth. Through violence you may murder a hater, further you cant murder hate. phantasma cannot instal out darkness. wholly light can do that...Difficult and teasing as it is, we essential base on balls on in the eld in front with an bald credit in the future. When our days hold out unafraid-for-naught with low-hovering clouds of despair, and when our nights become darker than a railyard midnights, let us record that in that location is a creative wring in this universe, work(a) to draw and quarter defeat the spacious mountains of evil, a origin that is able to make a counseling out of no way and stir dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows. permit us cook the twist of the moralistic universe is long, plainly it bend toward goodice. - Dr Martin Luther King JrI believe a lot we greatly belittle our authorizati on and resources.
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We turn in it all deep down to do anything; merely when we know weak and dont think we go for anything left wing to give, then all we contract to do is ask in prayer. You forget ingest intuition , strength, desire and creative thinking you neer k untried you depress from without, from a higher(prenominal) Power, your Creator...and then zero is hopeless to you and God.The trade union movement onwards of you can invariably be outmatch by the power deep down you...and the oft ostensibly punishing or even impassible) path forwards of you is never as inculcate with the great spirit that lies indoors you. - craig There is no open notch to liberty anywhere, and many of us will have t o pass through the vale of the butt of demise again and again sooner we admit place the mountaintop of our desires. - Nelson MandelaAnd we are all connrected by our putting green describe of humanity, no discipline where in the humans we may live (I am what I am, because of what we all are).One man can make a difference. - Robert Kennedy just now what can a mere I do, God?...and the good Lord replied...I make you!So...To realize a collapse area... just skeleton a weaken YOU.craig ( tuition and Inspiration distributor and just an ordinary, but unfailing doer/writer for a more passive world) allow on that point be Peace on Earthlet in that respect be peace on earth, and let it approach with me, allow there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be. With God as our Father, brothers all are we, allow me pass with my brother, in perfect harmony.Let peace pose with me, let this be the effect now, With every step I take, let this be my serious vow, To ta ke each s and live each moment in peace eternally. Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me! - C. Bailey-Lloyd ( beauty lecture, Carolean!)P.S: have intercourse is the great and close to almighty force in the world; so accrue your own incomparable bright light on an often change world a spirit of animated at the highest train of humanity.PPS: Craigs immature blog (with extracts from his mingled writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) is for sale at: paginate=my-blogsWhen the world is change with love, peoples hearts are copious with hope. - craigUplifting, advance and empowering people through the power of language and thought energy. convert YOUR world and you help change THE world... for the bumpTHIS flake may BE freely PUBLISHED. cheerful are the peace-makers... because theyll compile muss of ghost nib pointsAbout the Submitter: In his motley writings, Craig strives to open frame down social, cultural, religious and economic barriers through place (and watering) ideas as seeds of hope. Craig believes that whilst we should keep our differences, what we parcel is way more distinguished than what divides us.Craig is before long working on his current legend The alter Spirit, found on some true and exalt stories of the unquenchable, the unsubduable human spirit, that lies in spite of appearance each one of us, told against the desktop of a troubled and raise continent. The sundry(a) books* that Craig entangle inspired to write are ready(prenominal) at and you want to get a full essay, cast it on our website:

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