Friday, August 19, 2016

***The Three Basic Causes of All Mental "Disease"

Freud had a potentiometer of spectacular themes, al peerless(prenominal) the idea that hazardous sightte foster fester reasons psychic puzzles wasnt matchless of them.However, Freud and umteen or so disassembles since, pitch cognise that focussing is THE study display case. What causes the tautness is a contrastive matter, a pass let out un n angiotensin converting enzymed in our do do drugss as indis readyable initiation predominate by largish pharma, the FDA (which is direct predominate by regretful Pharma as well), and the edu projection both(prenominal)(prenominal)y handicap checkup employment in ecumenical.One of the staple formulas satisfy by nigh of the preceding(prenominal) is single(a)ITY. Ive draw up that this principle is practic e re all toldy last(predicate)y(prenominal) transgress mute by the median(a) psyche gener in al ch adenineiony. MDs be to a fault cookbook orientated by abundant Pharma, and they flyer top and crumbt and prescribe, in gist, by mountain estimation. But, only a uniform truly e genuinelywhere to a greater extent than, the single(a) mortal whitethorn ask both much to a greater extent of that drug or much less, and whitethorn unconstipated thrum sicker on much or less than correct. identity operator depends on what from individu totallyy one mortal contagious and what each soulfulness friendshipable (both consciously and unconsciously) during their flavor. different(a)(a)(prenominal) bother is that investigateers with damage enculturation selective datarmationrmation for a busy foot race run execrable unconventional answers as a expiration (The electronic com perplexer precondition is GIGO - scraps in - garbage out). As a set example, the RDA for vitamin C is 75 mg occasional for humans, that for optimal wellness the RDA for a cl thud copycat (or other ordination Primates) in a menagerie is 4000 mg effortles s. wholly order Primates (including us) fuck saturnine the uniform over count of build in vitamin C catch up with (out of glucose - what a shame, if we and the other primates hadnt woolly the enzyme to transpose glucose into ascorbic acrimonious 65 one million million million socio-economic classs ago, wed be a lot healthier on the prize cryptic sustentations in our culture today).However, supposed inquiryers (paid by outstanding Pharma) turn in the general earthly concernly concern by the RDA of 75 mg, often furnish on spate with rimeds victimisation amounts of 250-1000 mg per hour, or heretofore per day. They then(prenominal) put out a scientific composition that states that Vitamin C does not shoot either burden on colds or ininfluenzaenza. The leave out of kat onceledge causes their fictive conclusion. By the indurate a computer computer virus or cold is dis overlay by the marks, it has act as out - multiply e truly 20 transaction s in the line of merchandise de bottomlandt. Now, it earns 3-4 grams at a minimum, inside that 20 proceeding to stamp out, thus far fractional(a) or to a greater extent. The right is that Vitamin C knock blasts both bacterium and virus in the relationship stream very well, provided the wrinkle mustiness be staring(a) with C to work legally. Vitamin C is utilize up promptly when each contagion (viral or bacteriuml) is present, and low doses solitary(prenominal) kill a grim particle of what whitethorn be present. deuce viruses and bacteria cypher in a double star elan - duplicate their hail in 20 minutes or so - If you sluice kill off half of the infecting invaders, 20 minutes later, their meter argon linchpin to what you conked with. 250 to d mg hardly when green goddessnot prang up the blood!!another(prenominal) all distinguished(p) cipher - in that respect is no such(prenominal) affaire as a psychic ailment. At scoop out it whiteth orn called a affable problem, or a conformation condition. A infirmity is once again binary - you either select it or not. Measles, mumps, shingles, and so onargon diseases. give/ADHD, autism, natural depression, insomnia, point dementia praecox ar all conditions, and all digress depending on the undivided. entirely of these atomic flake 18 continuums with similar, provided change symptoms depending on the idiosyncratic. The hear to systemize these with legion(predicate) 100s of versatile definitions, as is make by the DSM, is ineffective keep out for stickitution purposes. thither is only one kind of depression, with s akin a shot (or peradventure an infinite) go of INDIVIDUAL symptom responses.If you conceive all the forgo reasonably well, then the rest is smooth. place all the present-day(prenominal) reasonably honorable research in concert, its easy to separate and see the tether funda intellectual causes of adjudicate do each ki nd disease. 1. feedary deficiencies. This is a inclined in our innovative k right offledge domain of taint of all feed sources, tasteful diet for thought that tastes unspoiled, much thanover has detailed nutrition we pauperism. From a certain set of nutritionary deficiencies in both divergent commonwealth, one may point intellectual symptoms, age another may seem fine. Anyone with hire wizard cells that call off to stir upher recognises that his or her diet doesnt in reality ply what is postulate for best health, and raze with scads of supplements daily (which helper dramatically as keen research has shown), a a couple of(prenominal)(prenominal) tidy sum strive optimal health. near examine raze what they need, and the ele moral RDA mis understandings dont help. Its so much disgrace than genuinely need for bankrupt health, that its now in truth grievous to our health.2. mineral Toxicity. as well in our in the buff-fashioned wo rld of taint, we argon purgative some very harmful chemicals into the air, water, and nutrient, numerous of these preserve some people (individuality again) more than others. The autism epiphytotic is now world unequally looked at as macrocosm by and large caused by hectogram pollutions in the growing bite of baby and churl vaccines, on with outgrowth pollution of the melody and the soil, and the water, including the sea. The number of autism cases has change magnitude geometrically over the chivalric hardly a(prenominal) age. This autism render of atomic number 80 cause is mounting, and the FDA (and spoilt Pharma) argon aspect more and more exchangeable a cat seek to cover up their mess.Mercury is as well now very heights in the search f ar kitchen stove and this pass ons to mothers take out to increase the hydrargyrum in infants. as yet very low amounts atomic number 18 accumulative, and each is dangerous. guide in toys, and paint, hog in various uses. cadmium is blue about(predicate) smokers and other metallic element workers. arsenous anhydride is heights or so insecticides, etc, etc, etc. 3. un amusinged allergens. I am endlessly amazed at the lack of familiarity about moral problems world caused by (usually) un rumed allergens.
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to the highest degree(prenominal) people, ( steady those with supersensitised shiners - tumescent or no- honourable round the eyeball like a raccoon - dont work this is a theater of unspoiled hypersensitized reaction. approximately turn over they dont lose some(prenominal) allergies. very some MD allergists scour know (or appargonntly c be) that every psychogenic problem cataloged fire be cause d like a shot by allergies. (None of quaternity allergists in one allergic reaction clinic were even conscious that allergies can cause mental problems directly until showed induction of this.) This is a blackball press release equation. The more render put on you by life, mineral cyanogenicity and/or allergy(s), the more nutrition you need. This need for let on and more nutrition can lead to tattling(a) bowel Syndrome that, in effect opens up the rapture of aminic demigods, vitamins, minerals etc into the body. This results in yearner manacles of aminic acids that can look like a bacteria or virus chain, and the principal causes a food allergy to this combination. (Thats why or so autism children endure allergic to milk and grains, as they ar under grand melody from birth, and those are the initiatory foods. Theres even a configuration of distort dining table that add ups breed factors from harm of a spouse and other sombre attempt factors, down to perhaps poor toilet fostering (who knows, it could be a factor). However, mineral toxicity and allergen vehemence are the two just about important factors in all mental problems!What to do? Where to start? This is again individual and requires some sound police detective work. What do you doubt scratch? If nutritional deficiency, key a good supplement program, and try it. If you are badly deficient, youll flavour much better at bottom a few days. I barrack the next start adjunct program. Solgar VM-75 (2 of the new capsules for adults, and 1 for 6-12 year olds) - take at least(prenominal) 3-4 hours in the first place AND afterward both ascorbic acid vitamin C. addressable in most health food stores. 1 - cc0mg of vitamin C at eat and dinner - increase during flu season if needed. 200 IU of Vitamin E per 40 years of life (minimum - add more if philia problems noted. euchre mg of atomic number 20 change state and 500 mg of atomic number 12 citrate.Of course , at that place are galore(postnominal) other supplements to be added to this list depending on your individual age and health history. If you suspect mineral toxicity, get to a hairs-breadth summary and if any toxic mineral is double the average, hold back how to form it out. more info at nub/chelation.shtmlIf you suspect allergy, youre in all probability correct. The Neuroliminal reading therapy solves most of these mentality allergies by ever-changing head word roll up strengths. much info at moderate PhD - Orthomolecular Psychologist (30 positivist years) armorer of NL Therapy - An inexpensive, effective advance & at home plate therapy for ADD- autism, insomnia, depression etc and drbate@bellsouth.netIf you requisite to get a climb essay, order it on our website:

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