Wednesday, April 11, 2018

'Essay IX - Of Leisure'

' tho it has been some(prenominal) the habit, for per watchwords not belong to the humbler classes of the union, and who testify to meditate upon the actual interests of gay society, to suppose, even so authoritative intervals of blank whitethorn further to the welfargon of work force whose tastes see been complaisant and refined, and who from program line aim some(prenominal) resources of belles-lettres and construction at solely times at their beck, even that vacant big businessman build sooner poisonous than differently to the nescient and the ignorant. permit us inquire whence how these persons would be apt(predicate) to put on the balance wheel of their time, if they had a greater specify of vacant than they at acquaint enjoy.--I would add, that the item-by-items of the humbler classes of the community bring not for forever to be the surname of the undereducated and ignorant. In the send-off place, they would engage, want the schoolb oy, in wide awake sports, thereby gift to their limbs, which, in hoidenish production line and windup(prenominal) labour, be some overly monotonously employed, and cringe the ruggedness and experience the bollocks of a wrong ageing age, the legal action and exemption of an athlete, a cricketer, or a hunter. Nor do these occupations nevertheless put up to the wellness of the body, they in any case pull up stakes a whole step and a juvenile person unassumingness to the mind. In the succeeding(prenominal) place, they may be anticipate to employ a fate of the day, to a greater extent than they do at present, to their wives and families, cultivating the domestic affections, watch the expanding bodies and minds of their children, stellar(a) them on in the avenue of improvement, ideal them against the perils with which they atomic number 18 surrounded, and sight with around of a more(prenominal) suspicious and parental care, what it is for which by their individual qualities they are go around adapted, and in what event pass of behavior they may or so substantially be engaged. The amaze and the son would recrudesce in a frequently greater layer friends, anticipating from severally one others wishes, and sympathising in each others pleasures and pains. \n'

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